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MLB 프로젝트 - 케이스스터디

by khalidpark 2021. 8. 10.

MLB 경기예측 정확도가 60%만 넘어가도 굉장히 인상적인 수치다

The best existing scientific literature (Elfrink, Valero, Jia, etc.) has largely produced accuracy levels within the 57–59.5% range. At face value this may seem unexceptional; however, a barometer often considered the best predictive metric for professional sports — the Vegas betting odds — achieved an accuracy level of merely 58.2% over the past six years (calculated using data from covers.com). Given the high degree of randomness inherent to our problem, predicting nearly 60% of games correctly is actually quite impressive

결국은 홈팀이 이길 것이냐 질것이냐를 판단하는 문제이다

predicting the outcome of a baseball game is a binary classification problem, namely, whether or not the home team will win or lose

VEGAS BET을 기준으로 저자는 정확도를 비교하였다

=> 데이터 뿐만 아니라 유명 베팅사이트의 지난 BET을 크롤링해오면 이 또한 하나의 지표가 될거라 판단됨



MLB Results & Historical Odds, Baseball USA Archive

About MLB MLB, Major League Baseball, is the biggest professional baseball competition and was founded in 1869. MLB betting odds can be found across OddsPortal.com There are thirty teams competing in the MLB at present with twenty-nine from the USA and a s




출처 : https://garretnourse.medium.com/a-machine-learning-algorithm-for-predicting-outcomes-of-mlb-games-fa17710f3c04


A Machine Learning Algorithm for Predicting Outcomes of MLB Games

The majority of my code in Python is available for the reader’s perusal here on GitHub. The first portion of this paper introduces several…




GitHub - GarretNourse/Machine-Learning-Predict-MLB-Games

Contribute to GarretNourse/Machine-Learning-Predict-MLB-Games development by creating an account on GitHub.





GitHub - kylejohnson363/Predicting-MLB-Games-with-Machine-Learning: Combine classification algorithms to predict the winner of e

Combine classification algorithms to predict the winner of each game - GitHub - kylejohnson363/Predicting-MLB-Games-with-Machine-Learning: Combine classification algorithms to predict the winner of...



