Game Logs
Field(s) Meaning
1 Date in the form "yyyymmdd"
2 Number of game:
"0" -- a single game
"1" -- the first game of a double (or triple) header / 하루에 2경기한 경우의 1번경기
including seperate admission doubleheaders
"2" -- the second game of a double (or triple) header / 하루에 2경기한 경우의 2번경기
including seperate admission doubleheaders
=> 총 47000경기중 더블헤더경기 1090개
3 Day of week ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")
4-5 Visiting team and league
6 Visiting team game number
For this and the home team game number, ties are counted as
games and suspended games are counted from the starting
rather than the ending date.
7-8 Home team and league
9 Home team game number
10-11 Visiting and home team score (unquoted)
12 Length of game in outs (unquoted). A full 9-inning game would
have a 54 in this field. If the home team won without batting
in the bottom of the ninth, this field would contain a 51.
13 Day/night indicator ("D" or "N") 14 Completion information. If the game was completed at a later date (either due to a suspension or an upheld protest) this field will include: / 경기가 대체된 경우 흔치않은 컬럼으로 삭제처리 "yyyymmdd,park,vs,hs,len" Where yyyymmdd -- the date the game was completed park -- the park ID where the game was completed vs -- the visitor score at the time of interruption hs -- the home score at the time of interruption len -- the length of the game in outs at time of interruption All the rest of the information in the record refers to the entire game. 15 Forfeit information: "V" -- the game was forfeited to the visiting team "H" -- the game was forfeited to the home team "T" -- the game was ruled a no-decision 16 Protest information: "P" -- the game was protested by an unidentified team "V" -- a disallowed protest was made by the visiting team "H" -- a disallowed protest was made by the home team "X" -- an upheld protest was made by the visiting team "Y" -- an upheld protest was made by the home team
Note: two of these last four codes can appear in the field
(if both teams protested the game).
17 Park ID
18 Attendance (unquoted)
19 Time of game in minutes (unquoted) 20-21 Visiting and home line scores. For example: "010000(10)0x" Would indicate a game where the home team scored a run in the second inning, ten in the seventh and didn't bat in the bottom of the ninth.
22-38 Visiting team offensive statistics (unquoted) (in order):
sacrifice hits. This may include sacrifice flies for years
prior to 1954 when sacrifice flies were allowed.
sacrifice flies (since 1954)
intentional walks
stolen bases
caught stealing
grounded into double plays
awarded first on catcher's interference
left on base
39-43 Visiting team pitching statistics (unquoted)(in order):
pitchers used ( 1 means it was a complete game )
individual earned runs
team earned runs
wild pitches
44-49 Visiting team defensive statistics (unquoted) (in order):
putouts. Note: prior to 1931, this may not equal 3 times
the number of innings pitched. Prior to that, no
putout was awarded when a runner was declared out for
being hit by a batted ball.
passed balls
double plays
triple plays
50-66 Home team offensive statistics
67-71 Home team pitching statistics
72-77 Home team defensive statistics
78-79 Home plate umpire ID and name
80-81 1B umpire ID and name
82-83 2B umpire ID and name
84-85 3B umpire ID and name 86-87 LF umpire ID and name 88-89 RF umpire ID and name If any umpire positions were not filled for a particular game the fields will be "","(none)".
90-91 Visiting team manager ID and name
92-93 Home team manager ID and name
94-95 Winning pitcher ID and name
96-97 Losing pitcher ID and name
98-99 Saving pitcher ID and name--"","(none)" if none awarded
100-101 Game Winning RBI batter ID and name--"","(none)" if none
102-103 Visiting starting pitcher ID and name
104-105 Home starting pitcher ID and name
106-132 Visiting starting players ID, name and defensive position,
listed in the order (1-9) they appeared in the batting order.
=> 타순에 대한 넘버링 추가하기
133-159 Home starting players ID, name and defensive position
listed in the order (1-9) they appeared in the batting order.
=> 타순에 대한 넘버링 추가하기
160 Additional information. This is a grab-bag of informational items that might not warrant a field on their own. The field is alpha-numeric. Some items are represented by tokens such as: "HTBF" -- home team batted first. Note: if "HTBF" is specified it would be possible to see something like "01002000x" in the visitor's line score. Changes in umpire positions during a game will also appear in this field. These will be in the form: umpchange,inning,umpPosition,umpid with the latter three repeated for each umpire. These changes occur with umpire injuries, late arrival of umpires or changes from completion of suspended games. Details of suspended games are in field 14. 161 Acquisition information: / Y "Y" -- we have the complete game "N" -- we don't have any portion of the game "D" -- the game was derived from box score and game story "P" -- we have some portion of the game. We may be missing innings at the beginning, middle and end of the game.

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